Our church has a distinctive, Christian mission and we thank you for your help in supporting our aims.
Leyland Methodist Church is a ‘Stewardship’ church. This means that we ask our congregation, members and supporters to pledge their time, talents, and giving over a three-year period, which enables us to create a three-year plan, including a budget plan. Rather than surviving hand-to-mouth each year, we create some certainty about future funding and it allows us to plan more effectively.
We raise funds for our core purposes through Stewardship (planned or pledged giving over a longer period of time than simply one year) and this enables us to deal with the costs of supporting our premises and to understand what money we have available for projects which further our mission to ‘Link Lives through Jesus’.
The majority of our contributors give directly from their bank accounts by Standing Order and, as we are a Registered Charity, we can also claim Gift-Aid on these regular donations. This means that, in the main, we can avoid weekly cash collections, which can interrupt the services of worship and cause distractions.
Every three years, we ask our supporters to consider whether they are able to review their giving and these pledges help us to create a budget plan for the coming period. Our next Stewardship Focus is, therefore, for the period 2019 to 2022.
The Stewardship Focus Team is: Steve Austin (Team Leader); Bryan Noon (Church Treasurer); Yvonne Taylor (Gift-Aid Secretary); Phil Gough (Presbyter). We are assisted by: Sylvie Phillips (Deacon); Kelly Livesey (Assistant Treasurer); and Annette Cupit (Circuit Steward and Member of our Church Leadership Team).
We would very much like you all to give by Standing Order; allow us to claim Gift-Aid if you are a tax-payer; and pledge your giving for the next three years. Please contact members of the team if we can help or answer any questions. In particular, contact Bryan Noon in order to pledge (or revise your current pledge) and Yvonne Taylor in order to enable Gift-Aid on your donations.
God bless you all.