Please continue to pray for Leysa K and all her family and friends following the death of her father Don. Pray for comfort for the family and for strength throughout the coming weeks. Please remember all those who are experiencing bereavements at this time and pray for them to be aware of God’s love surrounding them.

Pray for all those who are unwell or suffering in any way , whether physically, mentally or spiritually. Pray for those who care for others in their difficulties that they will remain strong and well themselves.

Pray for our local community and all its many needs and for all that is done or offered by churches, organisations and individuals to reach out and help others. Pray that no-one need feel excluded or neglected or be afraid to respond to offers of help.

Please pray for our church here at LMC and for our minister Gill as she starts her sabbatical in September.

Pray for God’s blessing to continue on Gill’s ministry here and that her sabbatical will be a time of refreshment and rest for her. Pray for Ellen and for Kai who will be taken on extra duties throughout this period. Please also pray for each of the churches in our circuit and for the ministers and local preachers who serve.

In September our Lancashire Methodist District will join with the districts of Cumbria, Liverpool, Bolton and Rochdale, and Manchester and Stockport to become the North West Methodist District and we are asked to pray giving thanks for all that we’ve experienced as the Lancashire District and praying for the future NWE District. Please pray for all the employees within the churches, Circuits and District, especially those who will be experiencing changes over the coming weeks. Pray for the first synod which will be held in Bolton in September. Pray for all who provide training opportunities and events and conferences.

Please pray for all children and young people over the summer holidays, that they will have an enjoyable break and return to the new school term refreshed and rested. Pray for those awaiting exam results and for those moving on to new schools or further education. Please pray too for the teaching staff and all others who work in schools or places of further education and training asking that they too will enjoy some rest over this period.

Please pray for our country, for the Royal family , for the government and leaders and all those in positions of authority and influence. Pray too for leaders throughout the world and pray that all will use their influence and authority wisely and with integrity.

Please continue to pray for peace to come to areas suffering from warfare and violence and for the protection of those most vulnerable in these situations, the sick, the elderly, young children and all who have lost family members in conflicts.