Please pray for the family and friends of Julie Webster whose funeral was held this week. Pray for comfort and strength for those who mourn at this sad time. Please also remember in prayer all those known to you personally who have suffered bereavements recently, asking for them to be aware of God’s love surrounding them.

Please pray as always for all those you know who are unwell at this time, physically or mentally, for those who are troubled spiritually and all who are experiencing difficult situations. Pray that each person will be able to access the help and treatment or advice that they need. In particular pray for people who have no family or friends to rely on and to support them in their need, that they may not be neglected. Please pray for all who have lost touch or become estranged from their families and those who are missing relatives and friends.

Please pray for our minister Gill and her family. Pray for God’s blessing and guidance on Gill’s ministry here, and for the health and protection of her family. Please pray for all the circuit ministers and local preachers, our lay worker Kai, worship leaders in all our churches and for their families needs. Pray too for the leadership teams and teams of stewards and circuit stewards in their role and the duties they carry out.

Please pray for all those who work in education, as the end of the school year approaches. Pray for all the children and young people, for those who will be awaiting exam results and those moving on to college or university, to apprenticeships or into employment. Pray for the teachers, lecturers, and all support staff giving thanks for all that they do for our young people.

Please pray for the next Messy Church session in July which it is hoped will take place on our Methodist school field (weather permitting). This will be an” end of term ” celebration before the summer break. Pray for all those who will attend and for the leaders and helpers.

Pray for “Come Together” which is celebrating its first anniversary. Pray for all those who have attended during this time and for the group to welcome new people as they move into the area. Pray for Kai and the leaders and helpers for running this wonderful outreach.

Please continue to pray about the upcoming General Election and for the government and leaders of our country. Pray too for all countries throughout the world and for their leaders/. Pray that all those in positions of authority and influence will have wisdom in their discussions and decisions.

Pray for peace in all parts of the world which still suffer from wars and violence and for those who suffer from unjust regimes. Please pray for the most vulnerable people in these situations, for the sick, the children and the elderly. Pray for families that have been separated , those who have been forced to leave their homes and become refugees.