Stewardship 2019 – 2022
Taking time to explore our giving of ‘Time’ and ‘Talents’ involves looking at what we’re already offering through the life of the church, and examining the needs we have as a Church family. Are there new ways you could offer to serve? Do you need to stop doing something in order to do the new thing God is calling you to?
Leyland Methodist Church has an extensive ministry, with more than 40 groups meeting across the whole life of the church, and weekly contact with more than 1,000 people of all ages – fantastic opportunities to ‘link lives through Jesus’.
The Stewardship and Leadership Teams at LMC have identified the following areas to focus on, for recruiting new volunteer help. If you are able to offer your time and talents in any of these areas, or if indeed you have other ideas as to how God is calling you to serve, do please get in touch with the contacts provided.
Many thanks, and may God continue to bless you as you serve Him.
Prayer is crucial to our life together, opening us up, increasingly to God’s presence and direction. Would you like to be more involved in any of these vital areas:
- PRAYER CHAIN – if you have the heart and time to receive and pass on prayer requests, and to pray into situations, we have a prayer chain, and we’d love you to be involved
- PRAYER MINISTRY – if you are keen to be alongside people and pray with them, after worship services, or at other events / times, we’d love you to receive some training and support and be part of a Prayer Ministry Team
- PRAYER EVENTS – if you would be interested in supporting or helping to organise one-off prayer activities (‘Open for Prayer’, ‘Prayer Stations’, ‘Prayer Walking’, ‘Prayer on the Streets’), we’d love to hear from you, too.
Contact : Prayer Ministry Team Leader – Enid Hallam Tel : 431565 Email :
Leyland Methodist Church is rightly respected for the activities we provide for children and young people. We currently have vacancies for helpers with most groups (including Club Sunday, Creche, Detour Youth Group, I.D., Boy’s Brigade, Holiday Bible Club, Little Fishes, Ministry in Schools), who are always grateful for offers of additional support and help (even occasionally, or monthly on a rota).
Contact: Children’s and Youth Team Leaders Adele Riley-Whittingham : email – Ryan Scott : email – // 07882 666320
Other Vacancies:
Could you offer your time to serve in any of these areas of the life of the church? We currently have the following ‘opportunities to serve’:
– on Church Council (helping make prayerful, strategic decisions)
– on the Pastoral Team (keeping pastoral contact with members and friends)
– on the Property Team (undertaking small jobs around the church)
– on the Worship Team (as musicians, readers, trainee local preachers or worship leaders, assisting with worship in schools or in care homes)
– on our Technical Team (providing sound and visuals for church events, services, and other occasions)
– as a helper on Sunday mornings (Sunday Steward), alongside a Steward, to help ensure everything goes as well as possible
– on the one of the many other teams and groups in our church – World Church, Outreach, Churches Together in Leyland, Small Groups (Discipleship)
for our Stewardship Team 2019
(Leader) Steve Austin 07973 616505 (Minister) Phil Gough 422613 (Minister) Sylvie Phillips 421319 (Treasurer) Bryan Noon 433388 (Gift Aid) Yvonne Taylor 424751 (Steward) Annette Cupit 433762 (Asst. Treasurer) Kelly Livesey