Welcome to our Sunday Worship for 22nd November 2020. This week (our last week before advent) we reach the end of our focus on The Jesus Way we have been working through Matthew’s Gospel. This Sunday we look at the Kingdom of Heaven and the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats In Matt: 25; 31-46 considering the difference between doing good things and being a good person. This week Rev’d Phil is joined by Carolyn Hothersall to open in prayer and Chris Hulse talking in an our age reflection about the work from Messy Church in Chorley. Linda Yates gives her testimony to Rev’d Karen Hilsden about her work during the pandemic. Michaela Barker talks about the sheep and the goats after the passage is read by Tim Lucas and Phil Robinson offers intersession prayers. Music this week is from Phil Gough and Ian Williams. We are praying in particular this week for Women facing violence Women against Violence Sunday takes place every year on the Sunday before Advent. Find out more here.
If you need our prayers or would like to join in more of what we do contact us Please email office.chorleyandleyland@gmail.com or find us @chorleyandleylandmethodists on Facebook. Coffee after the service is via zoom – let us know if you would like to join.