Weekly Update – 26th April 2020

Weekly Update – 26th April 2020

Dear All,

This week, our gospel reading is all about Jesus on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24: 13-35)  Our circuit on-line worship this week will be taking the theme “You’ll never walk alone” (the theme was actually chosen by Rev Gyula who is a Manchester United fan, it was not Rev Phil’s choice!) but I wanted to look at a different aspect to the story.  I want to think about listening.

You will remember, how Jesus walked with the two disciples from Jerusalem to Emmaus on that first Easter Day.  As Jesus joined them, he asked what they were talking about, what was going on, and they willingly explained to him everything that had happened over that first Easter weekend, and Jesus listened.  He didn’t interrupt, he didn’t finish their sentences, even though he knew too well the story they were telling him, he didn’t contradict, or correct, he just did them the honour of listening.  Then, when they had finished, it says that Jesus then explained to them what was said in the whole of scriptures concerning himself, and in turn the two disciples listened to him.

They say when you are losing one of your senses, it heightens the other senses and they need to work harder as they become more relied upon.  When we can’t see as many people as we are used to each week, we have lost a lot of that real-life visual contact with others, and so maybe we need to work harder at listening and heighten our ability to listen.  How well do we listen to others? Maybe we hear the same voices every day, the same complaints about not being able to go out, and maybe we zone out and stop listening.  Or maybe we hardly talk to anyone all day and so when we get the opportunity, we tend to do all the talking and forget that the other person may need to talk too.  How well do we actually listen?

One of the greatest privileges of leading a funeral service, is being able to listen to a family as they tell the life story of their loved one.  Even people we think we know well, there will be parts of their story which we might have forgotten or never knew and it’s good to share those stories again.  We are still in the Methodist Year of Testimony and when there is little else for us to do, maybe we can take time to listen to others and the stories they bring.  If you feel like no one would be interested in your story or you have no one to listen, then get in touch.  I love hearing your stories, the good and the difficult, as there is always something we can learn from one another.  May we follow Jesus’ example and the example of those disciples on the road to Emmaus, and give others the amazing gift of our full attention, so that we may truly listen to them and their stories and learn from them.


  • Each Sunday the circuit produces a service live on Facebook at 10.30am.  You can find this on Facebook by searching for the “Chorley and Leyland Circuit” page and tune in with others from 10.30am.  For those who are not on Facebook, this service can also be found on Youtube.  If you go to www.youtube.com and search for the “Chorley and Leyland Methodist Circuit” you will find all the services we have done so far.  This can be accessed at any time from Saturday evening, you don’t need to watch it at 10.30am on Sunday if you don’t wish.
  • If you would like a CD with an audio copy of these services, email me.
  • The district lead a Zoom Worship every Sunday evening.  You need to apply to be part of this and Tony Blackledge forwarded the details to all who are on the weekly notice list, earlier in the week.
  • There is always Songs of Praise on TV and various services on the radio each week.
  • Here is a written worship from the Methodist church website with prayers and readings to follow yourself.
  • Further worship material can be found on the Methodist Church website: www.methodist.org.uk

If you have any problems accessing any of these option, please just ask and we can help.

Radio Leyland:

Rev Phil is looking into the possibility of having a weekly worship service on Radio Leyland (like the Good Friday service which Churches Together in Leyland led). If you would be interested in contributing to this, eg. sharing in a bible reading or leading some prayers, then please contact Rev. Phil.

Calling all Computer experts:

Many of us are on a steep learning curve in terms of technology at the moment (myself included) and I know that some of our church family are having computer difficulties and problems knowing how to access things.  If you are confident using computers and you think you could (via telephone) talk someone through the process of how to access YouTube or Facebook, or fix another computer issue (or if you are prepared to give it a go) then please could you let me know.  I would like to start a list so that when I get a cry for help, I know who to put people in touch with.


I had an idea which involves those of you who either are or were teachers / teaching assistants, or are involved in education. If this is you, and you are curious, please will you email me.  By replying, you aren’t signing up or agreeing to anything – I promise.  Once I have a list of all our teachers / educationalists (is that the right word?) I will explain to you all the idea and then you can decide if you would like to be involved or not.


This week Anne is making sausage casserole, so if you (or anyone you know) would like a hot meal on Wednesday lunch time, delivered to your door, please contact myself or Anne Baker.


Those of you who have been out and about will no doubt have seen (and been cheered up by) the many rainbows which children are drawing and putting in their windows in support of the NHS and other key workers.  Anne Baker was reflecting on this with joy, but also concern – that the houses which have rainbows in the windows tend to be those that contain young families.  By a process of elimination, this means that other houses, without rainbows are more likely to have elderly or vulnerable people living in them and there is concern that scammers may take advantage of this.  So, Anne had an idea.  What if those of you who have children, or just generally those of you who are artistic or creative, were to make A4 rainbows for  others in our church family and others in your street? Then we can all have them in our windows.  If you would like to make some rainbows to pass on to church folk, then feel free to post them to me or drop them through my door: (16 Little Close) and I will ensure they get delivered, or why not just deliver them through your neighbours doors?  You may want to attach a note to explain why, and even perhaps offer your help (but only if you are able to do so and it is safe to do so.). I suggest if you are offering help, you put your own contact details (even if it is just your door number) but if you end up with lots of neighbours asking for help, please let me know as I have lots of willing volunteers who are prepared to help out with deliveries of food / medicines etc.  It’s great that the rainbow is being used as a sign of hope. So let’s see how many more rainbows we can get up around Leyland.

Bible Study:

A couple of people have asked me about the possibility of doing on on-line bible study / reflection during this time.  There appear to be two obvious ways of going about this (if there is a third which I have missed, then please suggest it!)

  1. We set up a Zoom meeting and we look at a passage, with some input from me and we can all contribute to the discussion and take part and interact with one another at a specified time in the week OR
  2. I prepare a reflection based on a Bible passage, which I then put on our church Facebook page (and possibly YouTube) and then you can feel free to listen to it in your own time and comment / add your thoughts etc.
  3. If you would be interested in either of these, or indeed if you have a third option, then please let me know.

I think that is all for this week.  If you have any news or messages that you would like to share with our church family, then get in touch with me by midnight on Wednesday night and we can include a news slot it in our Weekly Update on the Thursday / Friday.

Please stay safe and look after yourselves and each other.

Every Blessing to you all,


Gill Welsh