GALATIANS 1 v. 21 – 24
‘Then I journeyed into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.
Meanwhile, I was yet unknown by sight amongst the Judean churches which were in Christ.
For they only kept hearing, ‘the one who was persecuting us is now preaching the good news, expounding the faith which he once attacked.
And they glorified God because of me.’
During a stay of several years in these regions, Paul preached…When word of revival in Syrian Antioch reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem – they sent Barnabas off to Antioch…with Paul, they ‘taught considerable numbers’ in Antioch.
It was here that ‘the disciples were first called Christians.’ (Acts 11 v. 20 – 26)
Even though Paul was not known to the churches in Jerusalem and around Judea, and even though many either still feared him, or at least were skeptical about his dramatic change of heart and vocation, yet still they glorified God for the numbers coming to faith in Syria, and this, for Paul, is a proof that his gospel is the same as the ‘apostles’, and is bearing great fruit.
Give glory to God
for those who introduced you to Jesus,
for those who nurtured you in your faith,
for those you would like to see come to Christ,
for those who are coming to Christ, all over the world today,
and especially those who will be persecuted for their faith.
Lord, in Your mercy – hear our prayer.
‘Think of people you can’t imagine becoming Christians.
Ask God to turn their lives around, as He did with Paul.’ (Engage Bible Notes)
Commit to pray for these people daily for the next few weeks.