Okay, so only one word yesterday – ‘Paul’ – and only one today – ‘apostle’.
Paul’s first descriptive word for himself, the way he introduces himself to his readers, is ‘apostolos’, which means ‘one sent out, a special envoy, an ambassador or messenger.
His new identity (along with his new name), having at one time been sent out by men to eradicate the early Christian movement, is as a called and commissioned pioneer missionary, raising up new Christians and planting new churches – going to where God is doing a ‘new thing’.
Lord, help me to reflect upon how I introduce myself to the world –
help me to be bold in identifying myself as called, commissioned, anointed, sent by You.
May that be my primary identity – Your call and purpose for my life.
‘I am no longer my own but Yours Lord; put me to what You will’.
Lord, I give myself to You again today, and I ask You
to guide me,
to protect me,
to bless me,
and to give me opportunities to speak and act in Your name,
and for Your glory and renown.
Ask God to show you how He has specifically called and sent You.
If you get the opportunity today, speak to someone about how God
has called you and sent you to serve Him by serving others…