
Awe and Wonder : Part Seven

‘…they were all together in one place.
Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were staying.
And tongues like flames of fire that were divided appeared to them and rested on each one of them.
Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit…’ (Acts 2 v. 1 – 4)

The great significance of this passage of scripture cannot be overlooked – this encounter with the Holy Spirit, this in-filling, completely changes the timid and frightened disciples, catapulting them into the Jerusalem spotlight, and energising them for mission and witnessing to all they have seen and heard, in Jesus.

‘they were all together in one place’ – being all together, here, suggests more than simply geographically. As we shall see in a number of places in Acts, their togetherness (one in heart and mind) allows the Spirit to be poured out on each of them, and for them all to be engaged in mission. Oh, that God might stir us up to be all the more ‘one in heart and mind’, united in purpose and in our openness to God’s fullness, by the Spirit.

the ‘wind’ reminds us that ‘ruach’ in the Old Testament, and ‘pneuma’ in the New Testament, can be translated : wind or breath. As God breathes life into His newly created human beings, for them to become alive, so the Spirit is God’s breath, making us spiritually alive, and able to live for and in Him.

the ‘tongues of fire’ remind us of the many instances where fire represents the holy and awesome presence of God – a burning bush, the smoke on top of Mt. Sinai, the pillar of fire guiding the Israelites through the wilderness
that this holy fire separates and settles on each one of them is a remind of the one-to-one nature of God’s calling, God’s equipping, God’s empowering – they were all, uniquely and without exception, filled with the Holy Spirit.

Oh, may we experience fresh pentecosts;

May the breath of God fill and renew us ALL;
may the fire of God’s anointing and holiness purify, cleanse, and empower us;
may there be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit, that ALL may, as one, receive ‘power’ from on high,
enabling us to witness, to speak and to act, in Jesus’ name, and for His glory.

Watch this stunning dance routine, to the worship song, ‘Spirit Break Out’: