Life changing encounters with Jesus

Life changing encounters with Jesus

GALATIANS 1 v. 13 – 16
‘For you have heard of my former life in Jerusalem, how I used to persecute the church of God mercilessly trying my best to destroy it.
I was advancing beyond many of my contemporaries, being more extremely zealous for my Jewish traditions.
But when He who had set me apart, even from my mother’s womb, calling me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son to me (to show me Jesus), that I might preach the gospel good news about Him to the Gentiles, I did not, at first, go for advice from a single other person.’

Paul is very clear in his own mind about the very dramatic turn of events, changing him from violent persecutor of the early church, to its strongest ambassador and pioneer.
For Paul, the change is all part of God’s plan, not only for him personally (set apart, ever before birth) but for the results of his calling and ministry, primarily among Gentiles, and it comes about through meeting Jesus, his encounter with the living messiah, the anointed one.

Lord Jesus,
help me reflect upon, to ponder anew,
the change and difference every encounter with You makes.
May I be thankful today, too, for the change only You can bring into the lives of others,
turning enemies into brothers
and calling each of us into new ministry,
new purposes for You.

Where have the biggest spiritual changes come in your life – by what means?
Honour God today for the way He is changing you.

Phil Gough