‘When the feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force – no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building.
Then, like wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.’ (Acts 2 v. 1 – 4)
I find this fascinating:
‘The second chapter of Acts marks a turning point in the history of God’s kingdom. A new phase of His redemptive plan unfolds as the church is born.
In chapter 1 the disciples were to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit; in chapter 2 He come.
In chapter 1 the disciples were equipped; in chapter 2 they are empowered.
In chapter 1 they were held back; in chapter 2 they are sent forth.
In chapter 1 the Saviour ascended; in chapter 2 the Spirit descends.
The promises of the Lord Jesus Christ give in chapter 1 (v. 5, 8) come to fulfilment, as the believers gathered in the upper room receive the wonderful promise of the Father.’
(MacArthur’s Commentary on Acts)
Pentecost is the Jewish festival which most closely resembles our ‘harvest’ festival – celebrated 50 days after Passover – as a reminder of God’s faithful provision. It is also 50 days after Passover that the Israelites receive the ‘law’, the ten commandments (etc.), and are therefore given the means by which they are to ‘live’ as the people of God
Easy to see a couple of links for us, then, between Pentecost in the OT and now in the NT –
(i) this is God’s provision, His ultimate gift – His very presence upon us and within us (not just alongside us), His Spirit in ours – His promise fulfilled that His ‘law’ would no longer simply be written on stone tablets, but would be written upon our hearts
(ii) the believers gathered in the upper room become the ‘first-fruits’ of the new harvest – a harvest of souls, of lives filled with God’s presence, His Spirit, the means by which they are to ‘live’ as God’s people.
Spirit of the living God
fall afresh on me
break me
melt me
mould me
fill me
Spirit of the living God
fall afresh on me.